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artificial intelligence in the workforce

How Artificial Intelligence is Boosting Productivity

Artificial intelligence and the associated technology known as machine learning (ML) are making their way into every industry. We’ve been told these technologies will change our lives, but what exactly are they? For those involved in manufacturing, how will they change the industry and boost productivity? Keep reading to find out. Definition of Artificial Intelligence […]

10 Applications Of AI Tools for Small Businesses

In a recent Pricewaterhouse Cooper (PwC) survey of U.S. executives, 86% said AI was part of their mainstream technology in 2021. According to PwC, “AI is paying off in concrete ways, with benefits ranging from revenue growth to better decision-making and improved customer experiences.”  This blog will look at ten examples of how AI is […]

How Artificial Intelligence is Affecting the Future Workforce

According to a 2019 Gartner Artificial Intelligence survey, 17 percent of organizations were already using UI-based solutions for HR operations, and another 30 percent planned to do so by 2022. The reasons cited for making the change include cost savings, an improved employee experience, and support for data-based decision-making.  What is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial intelligence […]