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Workplace Transparency

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Can Transparency Boost Productivity?

Benefits of transparent communication Transparent communication describes a work environment where both good and bad information is shared across all levels of the organization. This means it goes both up and down the organizational hierarchy. According to the Society for Human Resource Management, “Fostering a culture of innovation requires open, transparent communication. The information must […]

How a Lack of Transparency Can Cost Your Organization

Recent studies show that organizations that are more transparent, especially with team members, experience increased engagement, better collaboration, and higher productivity. When everyone is working with the same information and a shared vision, the entire team feels more connected. What is Workplace Transparency?  Glassdoor, the employer review site, defines a transparent workplace as “an organization […]

The Hawthorne Effect and Transparency in the Workplace

Many behavior experts believe that greater transparency in the workplace environment can bring about unintended changes in behavior due to a well-known psychological phenomenon known as the Hawthorne effect.  What is the Hawthorne Effect? The term Hawthorne effect refers to the results of studies of workplace behavior conducted by Harvard Business School professor Elton Mayo […]