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performance reviews

Developing a Performance Review System with coAmplifi for Accounting Firms

Performance reviews play an important role in the growth and development of accounting team members. Having an established performance review system helps firms maintain professional standards and encourage employees to work toward their career goals. This can lead to greater job satisfaction and, ultimately, reduced turnover. This blog covers the benefits of performance reviews in […]

How Workforce Management Software Can Facilitate Ongoing Feedback & Coaching for Improved Performance

Nearly three-quarters of Millennial and Gen Z employees (born between 1981 and 2012) believe they can build better skills by changing jobs rather than staying at their current organization. Considering these generations make up more than 42% of the U.S. population and nearly 40% of the global workforce, organizations that provide opportunities for continuous improvement […]

Avoid These Common Employee Performance Review Mistakes

Performance reviews are an essential part of organizational and individual productivity, focused on a review of team member performance. When properly given, they can boost communication, engagement, and productivity. When mistakes are made, the negative impact can lead to a team member becoming disconnected and looking for work elsewhere. Conducting team member reviews is one […]