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business management

Why Investing in Business Computer Software Is Crucial In the Modern Day Workplace

For many organizations, getting a growing collection of apps to talk to each other is a major problem, mainly when different teams use different software solutions. Most applications are unconnected, creating isolated islands of information. James Gamble of Atlanta Ventures has discussed – Despite the increase in fast communication and widespread connectivity, ‘silos’ often emerge. […]

10 Applications Of AI Tools for Small Businesses

In a recent Pricewaterhouse Cooper (PwC) survey of U.S. executives, 86% said AI was part of their mainstream technology in 2021. According to PwC, “AI is paying off in concrete ways, with benefits ranging from revenue growth to better decision-making and improved customer experiences.”  This blog will look at ten examples of how AI is […]

How to Create a Forecast That Works for Your Business: Forecasting Workforce Management Techniques

Forecasting workforce management can bring many benefits to a business, including reducing the risk of staffing shortages, providing an understanding of your current staffing skill set, and streamlining your recruitment strategy based on your forecasted needs. According to the Society for HR Management: “There is now an approach for high-performance organizations to develop and sustain […]