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time management

How a Workforce Management (WFM) System Can Help With Tracking and Documenting Time

Manual time-tracking with punch cards or handwritten time sheets/time cards is time-consuming and prone to errors. Time theft may occur through inaccurate or falsified reporting (e.g., buddy-punching is easier with manual time-tracking). The problem increases exponentially for a blended remote, hybrid, and on-site workforce. End-to-end time-tracking process can be automated with a reliable Workforce Management […]

How To Encourage Time Tracking Whether Working Onsite, Hybrid, or Remote

According to McKinsey’s American Opportunity Survey, 58 percent of Americans now have a flexible schedule that allows them to work from home at least one day per week, while 35 percent have the option of working from home full-time. Remote and hybrid work presents unique challenges to management. Team communication can be difficult without face-to-face […]

5 Effective Time Management Tips

1. Start with SMART Goals Try setting some SMART goals if you find yourself looking at a long to-do list with no idea where to start. According to Norman Vincent Peale, an early advocate of positive thinking, “All successful people have a goal. No one can get anywhere unless he knows where he wants to […]

10 Steps To Ensure You Won’t Miss Another Important Meeting

Whether held in person or online, face-to-face meetings offer the opportunity for like-minded people to come together for planning, brainstorming, and information sharing. When meetings are correctly planned, they can foster cooperation and lead to group solutions that meeting participants would not have arrived at on their own.  Planning a meeting and making sure all […]