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Why Investing in Business Computer Software Is Crucial In the Modern Day Workplace

For many organizations, getting a growing collection of apps to talk to each other is a major problem, mainly when different teams use different software solutions. Most applications are unconnected, creating isolated islands of information. James Gamble of Atlanta Ventures has discussed – Despite the increase in fast communication and widespread connectivity, ‘silos’ often emerge. […]

How To Effectively Measure & Track Employee Productivity Using An Employee Productivity Platform

This software typically includes time tracking and compliance tools, timesheet creation, task management, and other common workplace functions. The data provided by an employee productivity platform can be used to monitor performance and measure progress toward goals. Here are some ways you can use an employee productivity platform to measure and track productivity. 1. Setting […]

Tips For Better Communication When Working Onsite, Hybrid, and Remote

The transition to remote and hybrid work environments (in addition to on-site) makes open communication more critical than ever. Many managers struggle with the change to online communication. Fortunately, companies that support telecommuting have learned how to manage communication effectively with remote teams. Here are a few tips. Set Communication Expectations Remote & hybrid employees […]

Why One-on-One Meetings Can Be Beneficial

Many people associate workplace one-on-one meetings with criticism from managers and grievances from employees. This may be true in some organizations, but smart companies use regularly scheduled one-on-ones to build trust and rapport between management and employees. With workforce management systems automating many office operations, it’s more important than ever for managers to schedule time […]

Can Transparency Boost Productivity?

Benefits of transparent communication Transparent communication describes a work environment where both good and bad information is shared across all levels of the organization. This means it goes both up and down the organizational hierarchy. According to the Society for Human Resource Management, “Fostering a culture of innovation requires open, transparent communication. The information must […]

10 Key Project Management Principles and Practices Every Manager Should Know

“Project management is the use of specific knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to deliver something of value to people.” This is how PMI (Project Management Institute) defines project management. Although there are a variety of project management tools marketed as project management solutions that can help with project management tasks, they don’t replace the need […]

5 Effective Time Management Tips

1. Start with SMART Goals Try setting some SMART goals if you find yourself looking at a long to-do list with no idea where to start. According to Norman Vincent Peale, an early advocate of positive thinking, “All successful people have a goal. No one can get anywhere unless he knows where he wants to […]

How to Remain Healthy When Working an Office Job (Whether in an Office, Hybrid, or Work from Home)

Health Risks in the Office While everyone’s health status is different, as a general proposition, overall diet, exercise, nutrition, and other factors all contribute to overall health. Prolonged sitting is less healthy than a combination of exercise, regular movement, and some sitting. Having a regular exercise schedule outside of work doesn’t guarantee to be free […]

Best Workforce Management Software Features – (WFM) Solutions

What is Workforce Management Software (WFM)? Workforce Management (WFM) is a set of processes and management tools used to optimize workforce productivity through strategic human resource allocation and embedded processes. It includes software management solutions that automate key human resource functions, time tracking, scheduling, training, data collection, analytics, and forecasting.  Initially used in call centers to […]

How to Achieve Your Company’s Strategic Goals Through Alignment of Daily Activity

Your company may spend a lot of time defining, tracking, and evaluating strategic goals, but do you have a solid plan for achieving them? According to a survey reported in the Harvard Business Review, an estimated 67% of well-formulated business strategies fail. Many of these failures occur when management and team members lose sight of […]

What are the Six Most Important Aspects In a Project Management Software?

The practice of project management can be incredibly complex, with dozens or hundreds of tasks and dependencies needing to be tracked. Project management software tools have become so popular because of the support they provide in scheduling, organizing, and reporting on project workflows.  They can also improve team communication and collaboration.  When searching through all […]

Software That Will Improve the Work-Life Balance of Your Team Members

Your teams are not made up of robots, but of living humans whose well-being depends on satisfying other needs besides work. These needs may include family responsibilities, health issues, or personal development.  The difference in personal needs between team members means that work-life balance has many individual meanings. In general, work and personal lives are […]

How to Amp Up Your Employees’ Productivity While Working From Home

Here are some tips for fueling productivity in the new work environment. Recognize the Challenges The work-from-home employee model offers flexibility but also comes with some challenges. Productivity may fall due to non-work interruptions, especially when multiple household members are working remotely from the same location. It can also be harder to get questions answered […]