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Task Management

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The Benefits of Automating Routine Accounting Tasks with coAmplifi

According to some industry estimates, accountants spend up to 40% of their time working on non-billable tasks. While some of this work can still help your firm grow, it can also represent an opportunity to increase profits and clientele without adding to your headcount. Automating some of your firm’s tedious and routine tasks like payroll […]

How Tracking Work in Real Time Can Reduce Burdensome Administrative Tasks for Professionals

Office employees spend over half of their workdays managing administrative tasks and coordinating. This “busy work” manifests in tasks like: Hunting down information and documents Chasing down project status updates Communicating with others about the status of tasks & projects Transitioning between multiple software platforms This means professionals spend an equivalent of six full working […]

Can Transparency Boost Productivity?

Benefits of transparent communication Transparent communication describes a work environment where both good and bad information is shared across all levels of the organization. This means it goes both up and down the organizational hierarchy. According to the Society for Human Resource Management, “Fostering a culture of innovation requires open, transparent communication. The information must […]

5 Effective Time Management Tips

1. Start with SMART Goals Try setting some SMART goals if you find yourself looking at a long to-do list with no idea where to start. According to Norman Vincent Peale, an early advocate of positive thinking, “All successful people have a goal. No one can get anywhere unless he knows where he wants to […]

How to Remain Healthy When Working an Office Job (Whether in an Office, Hybrid, or Work from Home)

Health Risks in the Office While everyone’s health status is different, as a general proposition, overall diet, exercise, nutrition, and other factors all contribute to overall health. Prolonged sitting is less healthy than a combination of exercise, regular movement, and some sitting. Having a regular exercise schedule outside of work doesn’t guarantee to be free […]

Why Email Task Management is Important

What Does Email Task Management Entail? Email task management means you’re using your inbox to track and manage tasks, projects, and perhaps even larger programs. All the operations associated with task management, including setting deadlines and priorities and assigning tasks to other people, are managed via email software. Most basic email systems only support sending, […]

How to Achieve Your Company’s Strategic Goals Through Alignment of Daily Activity

Your company may spend a lot of time defining, tracking, and evaluating strategic goals, but do you have a solid plan for achieving them? According to a survey reported in the Harvard Business Review, an estimated 67% of well-formulated business strategies fail. Many of these failures occur when management and team members lose sight of […]

How to Meet Deadlines Through Task Management

Prioritizing can be challenging when large, complicated projects that frequently change are involved. Project management software is excellent for tracking tasks for a deadline, but human input still needs prioritization. Being able to prioritize and manage tasks to hit a deadline in a dynamic work environment is a skill that takes time to master. The […]